So I wanted to get into woodworking for a while. There was only one problem, I had to space to get started. Well eventually, I managed to have some space to experiment with some woodworking. Let's just say its 1/2 car garage. So in that small space I manage to build what was to be a Lego table for my daughter. It ended up as a table that served as obliviously a Lego table but also the coffee table. It was built with limited tools at the time, but I managed to build a nice looking table.
Fast forward to this year. I had a plan to maximize the space and to addition of more tools. So while looking on YouTube, Pinterest, and other sources. I decided to take what I saw and make adjustments to what would work for me. So I jumped on Sketchup and starting playing around and designing the Ultimate Workbench.
So that's the basic structure of what I was looking to make. Obiviously its a work in progress and far from being done. So I got pretty far in building it, and just about got it to where it was going to be usable, a little curve ball was thrown at me. I was about to lose the 1/2 garage space. It was going to hard sharing that space especially with the amount of time I planned on working on projects. I would have to pull out owners motorcycle out of garage whenever I wanted to work, but I would have to pull it back in more times than I really want. So the original plan of having the garage and the owner having a new shed, that replaces the small one currently. I got surprised with news that works out for both parties. Bike owner gets the garage space with easy access of storing the bike, and getting in and out of garage for rides. In return I will get full access of the newly bought shed. So this gives me a chance to share my journey into woodworking and turning what was to be a hobby into a successful business. So that's where the creation of Mighty Sawdust started.
So the plan is to use multiple platforms to share what is going on, sharing my experience and also asking for any advice and opinions. So feel free to explore my YouTube Channel, facebook, Instagram, and others as they go live. So please join, like, subscribe, and follow. Well you know what to do.
As time goes by with new content and following, I hope to expend the site and offer some of the projects that I will be making to sell for the business. The more support I receive the more content I will be able to offer. Once the Shed gets setup enough, first project will be some custom make cutting boards as a start.
So stay tuned to updates in this journey of mine